Primăria Capitalei nu a reușit nici în 2024 să realizeze mari proiecte administrative, fie că vorbim de infrastructură, poluare sau trafic. Bucureștiul rămâne tot un oraș „gri”, extrem de pestriț și cu o infrastructură critică la pământ. Singurele plusuri pot fi notate la capitolul termoficare, unde s-au schimbat conducte, dar și în ceea ce privește […]
The main conceptual idea of the text is that the Bucharest City Hall has failed to make substantial progress on key issues like infrastructure, traffic congestion, and air pollution in 2024.
Despite the new year, the city remains characterized by its lack of development, severe traffic, and high pollution levels, earning it the label of a "gray" and underdeveloped metropolis.
The main conceptual idea of the text is that the Bucharest City Hall has failed to make substantial progress on key issues like infrastructure, traffic congestion, and air pollution in 2024. Despite the new year, the city remains characterized by its lack of development, severe traffic, and high pollution levels, earning it the label of a "gray" and underdeveloped metropolis.